
Increasingly, people would like to be cared for at home, even when they are seriously ill. They would also like to be able to eventually die at home. We want to make it possible for people to stay at home, surrounded by family members and relatives, without being transferred to hospital in times of crisis.

We care for patients in their familiar surroundings

Our multi-professional team consists of specially trained doctors, nurses and psychotherapists, homeopaths, spiritual care specialists, chaplains and art therapists who offer patients, their family, and their caregivers a wide range of support.

We care for patients at home, in nursing homes and in hospices, who have an advanced, life-threatening disease with high symptom burden. In doing so, we work complementary to a patient’s family doctor and outpatient nursing services, cooperating closely with all. Cooperation with hospice services also constitutes an important part of our work.

Specialised Outpatient Palliative Care – (SOPC)

In medicine, a distinction is made between curative (healing) and palliative (alleviating) medicine. Palliative medicine focuses on alleviating symptoms such as pain, nausea, shortness of breath and anxiety, as well as improving overall quality of life.
Quality of life includes being able to be cared for at home. People feel most comfortable in their own surroundings, where they can tap into familiar sources of strength.



Professional Team

  • Specially trained doctors and nurses
  • Frequent home visits – including short notice visits for acute problems!
  • Symptom management, with prompt treatment for pain
  • During crises – availability 24 hours / 7 days a week to support patients and relatives

Treatment Monitoring

  • Adjustment of treatment plans to meet actual symptoms
  • Consultation with the family doctor and information coordinated with nursing services
  • Guidance provided to family caregivers by highly qualified professionals
  • Networking of all care services

Support Services

  • Psychological support for patients and relatives
  • Non-denominational pastoral and spiritual care
  • Support for children and adolescents within the caregiving environment
  • Art therapy
  • Integration of naturopathic therapy forms

10 Jahre Palliativteam Hochaunus

Anässlich des zehnjährigen Jubiläums des Palliativteams Hochtaunus begleitete Andreas Hett, freiberuflicher Kunsttherapeut und Filmemacher, das Team bei seiner Arbeit. Der Film gibt einen Einblick in die tägliche Arbeit des Palliativteam Hochtaunus von den Besuchen bei den Patienten über die Gespräche mit den Angehörigen bis zur Arbeit im Büro.
