![Therapy Team](https://loewenzahn-hochtaunus-ggmbh.de/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/Therapeutenteam.jpg)
Therapy Team Hochtaunus is a service offered by Loewenzahn Hochtaunus gGmbH.
Our team of therapists complement medical and nursing treatments and can help offer a better quality of life ..
The care of our patients is comprised of four dimensions - the physical, the psychological, the social and the spiritual. This is what constitutes a muti-professional approach to palliative care.
As professionally trained therapists, we are available to assist you in the following areas.
An advanced stage of illness is often associated with many questions, concerns, and needs that go beyond medical and nursing care. Whether it is about questioning the meaning of life, or having fears, feelings of guilt, or worries about family members or relatives as they face the double burden of providing care as well as being affected emotionally – taking time for personal attention is key to building relationships with patients and their relatives.
For patients who want to take charge of their own life story when confronted by serious illness, creating a lasting legacy biography as part of “dignity centred therapy” can be very helpful. This is often beneficial for patients who have existential questions about the meaning of life in general, or questions about the meaning of their own life personally, and who want to reflect on their past while also looking toward the future.
Spiritual guidance helps to discover one's own spirituality. It opens the understanding that there is something greater in life than daily routines, which have become difficult through illness and suffering. This inner development process helps patients focus on what really matters.
In pastoral care, questions of life are explored alongside topics of faith. Conflicts and doubts are discussed, as well as beliefs in God or a higher power.
Individual images, symbols or rituals are sensitively sought to help express the unspeakable and help come to terms with it. In discovering personal sources of strength, the value of life appears in a different light. In the process, relationships often gain unexpected depth despite an approaching farewell.
People who are religious also find strength through joint prayer and blessings.
What do we do with our children in an existentially difficult situation? Should we let them participate, and if so, what is the best way? Parents are often very uncertain about how much information children really need about the illness of a parent or grandparent, or what will help them best to deal with the uncertainty of the situation.
The answer rests in empowering and accompanying children, along with having supportive and enlightening conversations with their parents/grandparents. Openness and transparency provide relief and help create a sense of security in being able to deal with the uncertainty of the situation unfolding around them.
Our naturopathy support provides patients with treatments that are complementary to medical and therapeutic care. We are happy to harness the power of homeopathy as well as other naturopathy therapy options. Together with our patients, we develop an individual treatment plan adapted to each situation.
Physiotherapy, within the context of palliative care, focuses on measures to accompany and alleviate severe physical disorders. Through supportive mobilisation, relaxation, massages as well as respiratory therapy and oedema therapy, a patient's resources can be activated/supported so that well-being is increased, and autonomy can be preserved as long as possible.
Art therapy aims to engage a sense of mastery and autonomy through personal, creative and artistic expression in a playful way. Art therapy offers individuals an opportunity to create inner images and objects that are important to them in their current stage of life – as well as an opportunity to participate in a supportive, therapeutic exchange. No previous artistic knowledge or skills are required.
Music triggers resonance in our soul. We come into contact with ourselves, our feelings and with other people. Music can express what we lack the words for. Music touches. Music envelops. Music therapy supports seriously ill people and their relatives in coming to terms with their illness, coping with grief and saying goodbye.
Social Worker
Die Sozialberatung informiert über mögliche sozialrechtliche Leistungen und gegebenenfalls bestehende Ansprüche. Sie gibt erste Orientierung über finanzielle Mittel, zuständige Stellen und Antragsverfahren. In einem persönlichen Gespräch klären wir die individuellen Anliegen und Fragen, um dann gemeinsam nach Lösungen zu suchen. Bei der konkreten Umsetzung, wie z.B. Antragstellung unterstützen wir gegebenenfalls auch.
Astrid Corinna Schulz
Head of THERAPY TEAM HOCHTAUNUS, Psychooncologist
Christel Reitz
Naturopathy/ Homeopathy
Dorothea Mihm
Spiritual care specialist
Sabine Baukal
Support for children and relatives
Andreas Hett
Art Therapist
Martina Spies-Gehrig
Music therapy
Viola Meyer
Regina Ross
Spiritual and pastoral guidance
Elisa Ebertz-Keber
Sozialberatung, Sozialarbeiterin (B.A. Soziale Arbeit, M.A. Soziologie)
"It is much more important to know what sort of a patient has a disease than what sort of a disease a patient has."
William Osler (1849 – 1919)